Planned maintenance and improvements

Regular maintenance is required to keep older buildings in good condition and prevent any problems from developing. A pre-planned maintenance service ensures listed and old buildings remain safe to use and don’t experience damage and deterioration. Upkeeping buildings with planned maintenance avoids any nasty surprises in the near future.

Our planned maintenance and improvements service is tailored to the needs of your building. We’ll work with you to determine the types and amount of maintenance, repair, and construction work your property requires and how often. Enjoy clear budgeting and peace of mind that your building is protected through regular maintenance.

Talk to one of our friendly and expert team about the maintenance and improvements you want for any of your buildings. We can provide a quote, answer any questions, and point you in the right direction – or learn more about our services below.

Our maintenance services

Property maintenance and repairs are available for all sorts and sizes of buildings, from a charming country cottage to an old townhouse. We’re experts and highly experienced in a wide range of construction, maintenance, and repair work for older properties and listed buildings. Some of our property repairs and maintenance services include:


As well as ongoing maintenance, we can provide planned improvements. If there are changes or project work you have in mind for your property we can assess and advise on the feasibility and legality of it. Our expert team can then undertake any sustainable improvement work, such as:


York property maintenance and repairs

At Validus Construction we’re based in York with experience and a love for helping maintain the heritage of the historic city’s buildings. Through detailed, careful, and expert craftsmanship we can provide building repairs and maintenance to all sorts of properties This includes everything from a townhouse in Bootham to cottages in Stamford Bridge.

Regular maintenance helps upkeep the condition of any building, prevent problems from developing, and identify issues in advance. We can work on a schedule that meets your needs and budget, whether you want ongoing repairs or just require a few small improvements. Our expert team can assess your plans to deliver the best solution.

Planned property maintenance, repairs, and improvements are available for buildings of all styles and ages – from farmhouses to churches and industrial properties. We’re based in York but cover the wider Yorkshire region. Get in touch to find out more and whether we can provide planned maintenance and improvements to your buildings.

Contact us today

Give us a call or contact us online to discuss any planned maintenance and improvements for your properties. One of our friendly experts can advise and answer any questions, offer a quote for work, and recommend the best next steps.



Tel: 01904 439287

Key points
User Testimonial

Simon Jones


I was thoroughly impressed by the quality and attention to detail that this construction company brought to their heritage and conservation projects in York.

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