
We were thrilled when we received the brief to restore a historic building in the heart of York. The building was a real treasure trove of history, and we knew that we had our work cut out for us. The client was very clear that they wanted us to use traditional techniques throughout the project to ensure that the heritage value of the building was maintained.

We started by carefully assessing the building and creating a detailed plan of action. We knew that we needed to be meticulous in our approach to ensure that we didn’t damage any of the original features. We used traditional materials and techniques throughout the project, which meant that we were able to preserve the building’s original character. The end result was truly stunning, and we were incredibly proud to have been a part of the restoration of such an important piece of York’s history.

Key points

User Testimonial

John Jones

I was thoroughly impressed by the quality and attention to detail that this construction company brought to their heritage and conservation projects in York.

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